Learning teaching and mentoring skills useful within your research group, the classroom, and other educational settings.
In addition to workshops and online courses, we host an annual competition to provide you with funding to support a summer intern in one of the OITE cohort programs. We also provide opportunities for hands-on experience through summer journal clubs and other on-campus teaching opportunities.
Our graduate students and postdocs also gain hands-on experience by teaching for the FAES and at local community colleges and colleges.
Teaching Science in Higher Education introductory workshop
An introductory workshop that provides an overview of learning styles, teaching philosophies, and syllabus development and lays a foundation for the full-length course.
Teaching Science Certificate Program 9-week pedagogy course
An opportunity for NIH graduate students and postdocs to learn techniques and strategies to teach in a college classroom.
Lead a Summer Journal Club
An opportunity for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and staff scientists to mentor and teach summer interns.