John Taborn
- Educational Advisor
- Career Counselor
- Career Services Center
John Taborn is a Career Counselor and Educational Advisor. He truly enjoys counseling and training the diverse population of NIH trainees to help them gain insight into how their skills, values, personality, and wellness work together to enable them to wisely choose career paths and clarify career goals that are a good fit. John brings over 20 years of experience in career counseling and leadership from various university career centers. John works with trainees in high school, undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools, postbacs, postdocs, visiting fellows and clinical fellows. He also enjoys preparing trainees for the application and interviewing process for graduate and professional schools, residencies, and the broad spectrum of careers for scientists (academic and beyond).
John obtained his B.S. and Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Howard University specializing in college student mental health with a focus on career and identity development. He also holds a Masters degree in Psychological Services in Education from the University of Pennsylvania. John completed his predoctoral psychology training as an Extern with the Office of Counseling and Career Development in the US GAO and as a pre-doctoral intern with UC Berkeley’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). He completed the post-doctoral clinical/research fellowship with the University of Minnesota Medical School. He is a member of NAAHP, AAMC, GCC, ACA, and NCDA professional associations.