Management Short Course
A two-day course that provides an opportunity to explore management principles through small group discussion and case studies.
About the course
The material in this course is relevant to management in all sectors and for careers in research and in research-adjacent fields.
Course pre-requisites
Participation in this course requires a short application and is limited to those who have completed the following pre-requisites:
- Workplace Dynamics (WPD) units I, II, and III; offered each fall and spring
- Becoming a Resilient Scientist (BRS) unit I offered each fall
How to attend
This course is offered each spring and occurs in-person on the main NIH campus in Bethesda. This short course is only open to graduate students, postdoctoral, research and clinical fellows and is best taken toward the end of your training experience. Participants on other campuses participate remotely as an in-person cohort to facilitate group discussion. A limited number of travel awards are also available to support in-person participation on the Bethesda campus.
Learn about future offerings by searching Upcoming OITE Events.
Contact us
Reach out to us with questions at